Providing Healing for Incarcerated Women
The transformational change for the men at Lansing Correctional Facility inspired Brothers in Blue Reentry to establish a program that would serve the women incarcerated at Topeka Correctional Facility. TCF is the only women's facility in the State of Kansas and houses approximately 900 women at any given time. It was for these women that LEAD was born.
The LEAD program launched early in 2020 and is currently serving its sixth group of women with the goal of adding an additional cohort of 10 – 15 women later in 2024. LEAD continues to be a safe and effective place for women to engage with staff members to speak about the abuse and trauma they have endured for much of their
life. Without these safe opportunities inside our Kansas facilities, the residents inside never receive the healing from the situations that brought them to prison in the first place. LEAD gives the women of Topeka Correctional Facility an opportunity to walk a different path and to choose a different future. A future with Jesus Christ at it's center.